School Openings

  • River Edge, New Jersey
  • 26 days ago
  • Full Time

Job Summary

Employment Type
Full Time

Job Description



7-12 School District

2025-2026 SCHOOL YEAR

Available September 1, 2025 • Tenure Track

Full-Time Positions

  • Athletic Director
  • H/S Teacher of Family & Consumer Sciences
  • H/S Teacher of Chemistry
  • M/S Special Education Teacher

Autism Experience a Plus

Proper NJ Certification required. Please apply online by March 14, 2025 by clicking the Apply button



Statement of Policy

In an effort to ensure and enhance the possibilities for excellence in the education of our children in a free society, the Board of Education presents and endorses this statement of policy because of its conviction that:

  1. The public schools belong in every sense to the people who created them by consent, and support them by taxation.
  2. The schools are only as strong as and no stronger than the informed support of the people of the community.
  3. The support of the people is based upon their knowledge of the aims and efforts of the public schools.

The Design and Intent

The Board of Education believes that school district community relations is not solely an information program, but encompasses all aspects of the school’s relationship with the total community.

The Board of Education believes its school-community relations program should:

  1. Promote public interest and participation in the operation of the school system;
  2. Gather information about public attitudes toward the school system and its programs and report them to the Superintendent and the board;
  3. Provide an honest, continuous, comprehensive flow of information about the policies, procedures, programs, problems and progress of the school system to the community and the staff;
  4. Develop effective means of communication with the school system's public and use available media as appropriate;
  5. Develop programs in the schools that will integrate home, school, and community in meeting the needs of district students;
  6. Develop and maintain the confidence of the community in the school board and the school staff;
  7. Develop a climate that attracts and retains good teachers and encourages staff to strive for excellence in the educational program;
  8. Anticipate and forestall problems that are brought about by lack of understanding;
  9. Evaluate past procedures in order to make improvements in future communications.

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Job ID: 465523414

Originally Posted on: 2/14/2025